
When did the fear start to set in? 
When did the courage run out?
When did you get caught in the loop?
When did your ambition cool down?
When did the dreams stopped making sense?
When did the inner voice die down?

Oh Dear, don't tell me 'life' happened!
That this is how it is supposed to be,
Going round and round in the same rut,
Hoping things would end differently.

An Escape

You say that you are looking for an inspiration,
Something or someone to motivate you.
Find your true self, unleash your true potential.
However, what you are truly looking for is -
An escape.

An escape from your all-consuming thoughts,
From the spiral for your habits.
You need someone to pull you out,
From the deepest end of your own imaginary world,
A world where you are your own destroyer.

The truth is you want to run away,
From your own self,
From your patterns of feeling, thinking and being,
From your own mind and your own heart.
An escape from yourself is what you want.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Work in Progress

The good thing about being lost and being broken multiple times is that you are not afraid to be lost and be broken again. You are not afraid to lose yourself because you know you’ll find a new version of yourself, much stronger and wiser than before. You are not afraid to be broken because you know that’s the only way to explore the plethora of possibilities waiting for you. You realize that you were never one single piece but a wonderful assembly of millions of tiny pieces of people, places, books, music, nature, and memories of your life. You discover that losing, breaking, finding, and rebuilding is the only way through the journey of life, that you are always a work in progress.

Power to Choose

What's done is done
What's gone is gone
What's gone is past
What's past is dead
There's no going back
No way to be undone.
And that's the beauty
Of the past
It gives you the power
The power to choose!

The power to choose
What to remember
And what to forget,
What to revisit
And what to neglect,
What to cherish
And what to desert,
What to keep alive
And what to lay dead!

And that's my power
The power to choose!

Single Draft

There were days
When I lost it
Lost my restraint
Flew into a rage
Said things I never intended.

There were days
When I lost it
Lost my better senses
Stepped in crap
And repented.

There are days
When I wish
These times didn't happen
That I could erase
What's already written.

But, you see,
Life is single draft book
We are single draft writers
With no going back
No erasing or editing

And that's its beauty
Moving on to the next
And never going back!

Whenever a person’s lack of shame offends you, you should immediately ask yourself, ‘So is it possible for there to be no shameless people in the world?’ It isn’t. And you should therefore stop demanding the impossible. He’s just one of those shameless people who must necessarily exist in the world. And you should keep the same thought readily available for when you’re faced with devious and untrustworthy people and people who are flawed in any way. As soon as you remind yourself that it’s impossible for such people not to exist, you’ll be kinder to each and every one of them. It’s also helpful immediately to consider what virtue nature has granted us human beings to deal with any given offense. Gentleness, for instance, to encounter discourteous people.

Marcus Aurelius

On Bullies and Molesters

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.

Pema Chodron

There are times when time tests you. The past knocks at your door once again. After you have moved on from the past traumatic experiences, the very same toxic people who caused you immense pain stand at your door once again begging to get in and try to disturb your equilibrium. That’s how bullies and molesters are, continuously looking for new prey and when they fail to find one, they try to hunt again the previous ones.

But little do these low-lives know that just as the Pheonix rose from the ashes, you rose too. Burning down the past life and erasing their fingerprints and their very existence, rose from the flames a new you. Pure. Beautiful. Sacred. Unaffected.

These pity actions of these low-lives won’t affect you any longer. You are out of their league. And they are rotting in hell.

I Would

If I could stop
All this hustle-bustle
Going up in my head
And put my mind to rest
I would.

If I could stop
Worrying about the future
And start living in the present
I would.

If I could stop
Rationalising the past
And let everything go
I would.

If I could stop
Caring for others' opinions
And stop trying to impress them
I would.

If I could
Take it easy
Take it a day by day
And enjoy life's twists and turns
I would.