Letting Go

In the middle of the night, when the entire world is asleep, my soul lies awake, rambling into the mirage around me. It finds itself all alone, immersed in the questions of life, love, and existence. It craves for a companion but runs away from any connection. When did this indifference to feelings, emotions, dreams, and passion set in? It is bewildering how bare it feels on the inside, so bare that my own existence seems insignificant.

Some things never change. Some wounds never heal, and some pains never fade away. Sometimes time never mends, but we become tough and indifferent to the pain and trauma. Some things are here to stay because we are born into them.

Some questions should be left unanswered, and some locks should remain without a key. Not every window is a window of opportunity. Some windows show us a glimpse of our past in our future. It is better to shut that window and move on to something else. If we keep doing the same things again, how will our life turn out to be different?

In the end, life is about letting go, letting go of people, feelings, memories and sometimes the whole of us. We overcome what we have been dealing with only when we let go.